Behaviour Support 

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Catalyst - the one off session to create change

This partnership is designed for those who need a one off session to troubleshoot

Yet this one off session is in two parts, the first 1.5 hours is focused on your dogs behaviour and creating a plan of action to address the problems. The second 1.5 hours is to discover how your behaviour will

From £199

Breakthrough - the 6 week intensive 

This partnership is designed for those 

Thrive - 12 week empowerment journey 

This partnership is designed for those who are ready to commit to achieving their goals and ascend the mountain of challenges. Focused on both the dogs behaviour as well as the humans habits and beliefs, this package is

If you're ready to be held accountable so that you can smash down those self-imposed barriers which are keeping you from living your dream life with your dog, then this is the journey you've been seeking.